
1 am s0me rand0 h1ghsch00ler wh0 l1kes c0mputers and learn1ng

1 have the sk1ll level 0f a sk1dd1e when 1t c0mes t0 pr0gramm1ng s0 1t m1ght take a wh1le f0r th1s page t0 get fully updated

1 l1ke: wr1t1ng p0etry, l1ngu1st1cs, c0nlangs, f1lm, cart00ns, h1st0ry, and the 1nternets as a wh0le

l00k a butt0n >


08-07-2023: added a website changes box and changed background image; learned how HTML interacts with CSS [even though I should have already known that given that I've been learning coding for three years]